My name is Heidi. I live in sunny Southern California with my husband and three kids. I'm a stay at home Mom and my husband works for a large brown package delivery company.
My Bub is almost 7 years old. He's a very serious child. He's very literal and likes to be his own authority, but has a sensitive streak. He loves all things sports, especially baseball.
My Dolly is 5 1/2 years old. She is the sensitive artistic type. She loves cuddling, hugging, and holding hands. She has a passion for art: crayons, pencils, watercolors, and glitter paint make her squeal.
My Boo is 2 years old. He is a fun-loving social little guy. He definitely keeps me on my toes more than my older two ever did. But he brings such a sense of fun to our lives.
Last, there's my Missy. She would be 11. But she was born with a genetic disorder and passed away when she was 3 years old. It's been 8 years since she passed. She had the sweetest, brightest temperament of any child you've ever meet. She was always amicable. She had a brightness that permeated all around her.
I've always loved caring for children. After High School, I went to a local Jr. College and earned enough credits to work in a day care/preschool setting. After marrying and having my first child, I realized there was so much more I needed to know. I started devouring books about parenting. Everything from getting a baby to sleep, to squelching sibling rivalry and individualized parenting caught my attention.
And now I hope to share some of that knowledge with you. I don't have a degree or other formalized education yet, but I do have one thing: a passion. So in the meantime, I'm starting with what I have, and I hope I can be a help and inspiration to you.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I think you're an awesome mom and that you and your hubs are a killer parenting team. I'm excited to learn from all your book-learning and experience!